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Note for Flight Simulator Config files
Micosoft Flight Simulator 2004 (Deprecated)
Just Copy the logbook.log file to the "Flight Simulator Files" directory in your documents folder.
Micsooft Flight Simulator X (fsx)
The flight logs are extracted with a tool: fslogbook. The fsx.cfg file in the fsx_config folder is a config example to trust some gauges and launch fsx with windowed mode.
Microsoft Flight Simulator (2020)
The flight logs are extracted with the flight log analyzer, which is a paid software.
X-Plane 12 (No macOS operations, because I do not have MacOS devices)
Microsoft Windows
Use powershell or command promot (cmd) to link flight logs and control preferences. The %XPlaneDir% is the directory where you install X-Plane 12, and %RepoDir% is the directory for this project.
New-Item -ItemType SymbolicLink -Path %XPlaneDir%"\Output\logbooks" -Target %RepoDir%"\flight_logs\xp12_logs"
New-Item -ItemType SymbolicLink -Path %XPlaneDir%"\Output\preferences\control profiles" -Target %RepoDir%"\xp12_config\control profiles"
mklink /d %XPlaneDir%"\Output\logbooks" %RepoDir%"\flight_logs\xp12_logs"
mklink /d %XPlaneDir%"\Output\preferences\control profiles" %RepoDir%"\xp12_config\control profiles"
Just use "ln" command. The $XPlaneDir is the directory where you install X-Plane 12, and $RepoDir is the directory for this project.
ln -s $RepoDir/flight_logs/xp12_logs $XPlaneDir'/Output/logbooks'
ln -s $RepoDir'/xp12_config/control profile' $XPlaneDir'/Output/preferences/control profiles'